
My very first single "Hey" was released on March 15th, 2021. It's all over the place pretty much like myself. 




I think that's how you start a conversation hmmm

It feels kinda strange

Cause I've never felt like this before

The butterflies

That I get when I look in your eyes

My heart skips a beat

And all this time

I could only think 'bout makin' you mine

But nothing starts until

I say hey

How you doin'

What's your favorite color

I know it's kinda lame to talk about the weather

But if I go straight to the point

I'd kinda like to talk to you more

That's why I said hey

I was only thinkin' how cool it would be

If you could forget bout your friends and look at me

The moment that you do that thing with your gaze

The whole world stops

And the only thing I'm sayin' is

Oh my god

The butterflies

That I get when I look in your eyes

My heart skips a beat

And all this time

I could only think 'bout makin' you mine

But nothing starts until

I say hey

How you doin'

What's your favorite color

I know it's kinda lame to talk about the weather

But if I go straight to the point

I'd kinda like to talk to you more

That's why I said hey

Okay it's clear

I'm not the best at taking the first step towards you

Mmmm noo

So I guess for this game

I'll step out

La la la

La la la

But if I go straight to the point

I kinda wanted to talk to you more

That's why I said hey

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